Annie Rui Qiu (b. 2002) is an artist from Shanghai, China living in New Hampshire. She paints interior scenes that toe the line between familiarity and foreignness.
Household objects, figures in communal spaces, and glimpses of abstracted exteriors are depicted with mixed perspectives and varied patterns.
Moments from everyday routines and imagined spaces offer spaces for introspection.
Her work explores diasporic memory and asks what it means to live in a changing world.
B.A. in Studio Art and Computer Science, Dartmouth College
Group Exhibitions
Dog Days 三伏天, ACENTRICSPACE, Zhujiajiao, Shanghai, CN
Senior Majors Exhibition, Jaffe-Friede and Nearburg Arts Forum, Hanover, NH
Maximalism, Jaffe-Friede and Nearburg Arts Forum, Hanover, NH
Artist in Residence, ACENTRICSPACE, Zhujiajiao, Shanghai, CN
Robert Read Prize for Achievement in Studio Art, Dartmouth College
Class of 1960/Residential Office Purchase Award, Dartmouth College
Citations of Academic Excellence in Senior Seminar, Painting I, and Drawing I, Dartmouth College